Douglas Meadowfoam
Limnanthes douglasii
Native to the region
Part shade to full sun
Medium to wet water needs
Zones 6 to 9

Wild Canterbury Bells
Phacelia minor
Native to the region
Full sun
Dry water needs
Zones 6 to 10

Baby Blue Eyes
Nemophila menziesii
Native to the region
Part shade to full sun
Medium water needs
Zones 6 to 10

California Poppy
Eschscholzia californica
Native to the region
Full sun
Dry, drought tolerant
Zones 3 to 10

Bachelor Button
Centaurea cyanus
Full sun
Medium water needs
Zones 3 to 10

Salvia columbariae
Native to the region
Full sun
Dry water needs
Zones 6 to 10

Desert Bluebells
Phacelia campanularia
Native to the region
Full sun
Dry water needs
Zones 4 to 10

Cosomos sulphureus
Full sun
Dry to medium water needs
Zones 3 to 10

Black-Eyed Susan
Rudbeckia hirta
Native to the region
Full sun
Medium water needs
Zones 4 to 10

Common Sunflower
Helianthus annus
Native to the region
Full sun
Dry water needs
Zones 3 to 10

Western Vervain
Verbena lasiostachys
Native to the region
Full sun
Dry water needs
Zones 4 to 10

California Milkweed
Asclepias californica
Native to the region
Part shade to full sun
Medium water needs
Zones 3 to 11

Silvery Lupine
Lupinus argenteus
Native to the region
Full sun
Dry water needs
Zones 6 to 9

Ledge Stonecrop
Rhodiola integrifolia
Native to the region
Part shade
Medium water needs
Zones 6 to 9

Common Yarrow
Achillea millefolium
Native to the region
Part shade to full sun
Medium water needs
Zones 3 to 9

Summer Lupine
Lupinus formosus
Native to the region
Full sun
Medium water needs
Zones 6 to 10

Golden Columbine
Aquilegia chrysantha
Partial to full sun
Wet water needs
Zones 3 to 10

Prunella vulgaris
Native to the region
Part shade to full sun
Medium to wet water needs
All zones

Prairie Blazing Star
Liatris pycnostachya
Full sun
Dry to medium water needs
Zones 3 to 9

Desert Marigold
Baileya multiradiata
Native to the region
Full sun
Dry, drought tolerant
Zones 6 to 10

Agastache ssp.
Native to the region
Partial to full sun
Wet water needs
Zones 3 to 10

Blanket Flower
Gaillardia pinnatifida
Native to the region
Full sun
Dry water needs
Zones 6 to 10

Rosmarinus officinalis
Full sun
Dry, drought tolerant
Zones 7 to 10

Monarda fistulosa
Native to the region
Partial to full sun
Dry to medium water needs
Zones 3 to 10

Purple Prairie Clover
Dalea purpurea
Full sun
Dry water needs
Zones 3 to 9

Salvia officinalis
Full sun
Dry, drought tolerant
Zones 3 to 10

Common Snowberry
Symphoricarpos albus
Native to the region
Partial to full sun
Medium water needs
Zones 3 to 7

California Lilac
Ceanothus ssp.
Native to the region
Partial to full sun
Dry to medium water needs
Zones 4 to 10

Strawberry Tree
Arbutus unedo
Native to the region
Partial to full sun
Medium water needs
Zones 7 to 10

Cleome isomeris
Native to the region
Full sun
Dry, drought tolerant
Zones 6 to 10

Pacific Madrone
Arbutus menziesii
Native to the region
Partial to full sun
Dry to wet water needs
Zones 6 to 9

Mescal Bean
Sophora secundiflora
Native to the region
Part shade to full sun
Dry to wet water needs
Zones 7 to 10

Desert Willow
Chilopsis linearis
Native to the region
Full sun
Dry to wet water needs
Zones 7 to 10

Whitethorn Acacia
Vachellia constricta
Native to the region
Full sun
Dry water needs
Zones 6 to 10

Black Locust
Robinia pseudoacacia
Native to the region
Full sun
Dry to medium water needs
Zones 3 to 10
Note: Not recommended as a landscape tree. Better suited for unvisited hedgerows and shelterbelts.

Southern Catalpa
Catalpa bignonioides
Native to the region
Partial to full sun
Medium to wet water needs
Zones 5 to 9

Tulip Tree
Liriodendron tulipifera
Native to the region
Full shade to full sun
Medium to wet water needs
Zones 5 to 9

Yellow Bells
Tecoma stans
Native to the region
Full sun
Dry water needs
Zones 7 to 11

Indigo Bush
Dalea greggii
Native to the region
Partial to full sun
Dry water needs
Zones 6 to 10

Fairy Duster
Calliandra conferta
Part shade
Dry water needs
Zones 6 to 11

Bee Bush
Aloysia gratissima
Native to the region
Partial to full sun
Wet water needs
Zones 7 to 10